Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Miss Maddy

My little Maddy brought me a goodie jar in last week. I have had her brother, Logan and Sister Megan. I sometimes call her Megan, and boy do I get corrected quickly. I can't remember ever having to call any of the children down. They are all very well behaved. I thought Maddy was going to be shy, but she has warmed up to me. She was so excited to show me her cute dress this morning. Her mom said that she usually doesn't smile, but boy is this not the biggest smile ever. I love my job and my kids are the bonus. They are more rewarding that one could ever imagine.
Tomorrow I am off to the fair with Curtis' class. I think he is more excited about not having to take his backpack and agenda to class than the trip. Lexi thank you for bring my order in today. I miss you guys so much in class so any chance I get to see you all I'll take. I know London will be coming soon, I hope. I hope everyone has a great time at the fair!!!!


Unknown said...

My kids are all so lucky to have had you as a teacher. You are always so much fun. I just wish they were so well behaved at home!