Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Veteran' s Day

Yesterday was a time to reflect on all the lives that have been lost giving us our freedom. The boys are very aware of what Veteran's Day means. Their Papa Earl served in Vietnam. Clint is absolutely fascinated by anything having to do with any war. He is just like a sponge when it come to that stuff. He can tell you things about any war in history. The boys love to go to Mom and Dads and look at all Dad's war stuff. Clint called Dad yesterday and wanted to borrow his stuff for his class. Dad brought it to me and I took it to him yesterday afternoon and he proudly shared it with his class.
After school the boys and I meet Shawn and went to the Vietnam Wall Memorial display at Bridgestone. The display was awesome, but the real thing is unbelievable. I got the opportunity to visit it while I was still in school and It was unbelievable. It sends chills up your spine to see all those names and the tears that are shed while standing there. You can not help but tear up. So if you know a Veteran make sure you thank him/her often for your freedom. We should celebrate them everyday.....



nannysdollbaby said...

You need to check on something very important...I believe your Dad must have been in the Civil War or World War II! Or was it Star Wars? Hats off to a nice guy.