Saturday, December 15, 2007

Pajama Day

Yesterday was our pajama day at school and we all love it. Who wouldn't? When I walked in I saw a skinner version of myself. Mrs Ann and I were dressed just alike as you can see.
Don't you just love Sonya big old fury feet? All the classes had Pajama Day. We were studying the letter P and this is our special treat for the week. We ordered Pepperoni Personal Pan Pizzas and watched the Polar Express. All the kids had so much fun. Thanks to Lyndie who pick up the 57 personal pans for us. All my kids could hear their bells. They believe. I think that the meaning of Christmas goes out when there is no belief. Children are the true meaning of Christmas.
We are doing a share a Christmas Dinner in our class. We are using the Gingerbread house to collect change. We started in November talking about how we are thankful for all we have. Each child bring in change and we put it in. The first coin they put in they must tell one thing they are thankful for. It has been so much fun doing this. This year our donation will be made in honor of Baily Hyder. He had been really sick and has missed class. The kids all miss him and this is something that we are doing for him. I hope to post again before Christmas, but if not I hope everyone has a great Christmas and if you are traveling please be safe.


Holly said...

Looks like lots of fun. I love the charity coin idea. What a great lesson for the kids. Hope you have a great Christmas!