Monday, October 22, 2007

One Sweet

What a treat to find an email from Sheila in my box this morning. She tagged me with One Sweet Treat to Read. I haven't been posting like usual, due to my dad's health. He is feeling better, but has a cold now. The boys and I went to church with them yesterday and ate lunch with them. I'm not sure if it is going to rain or not, so it's a good blogging day.
Now I have to choose someone to pass this along too. I love reading everyones blog.

Here's how this award works:
1. Once you've been awarded, make a post and award it to bloggers who you deem "One Sweet Treat to Read" everyday.
2. Make sure you inform those who you awarded that they have won!
3. Grab the button and proudly display it in your sidebar for all your old/new readers to see!
I am suppose to tag someone else to receive this award. There
are so many sweet treats to read, today I pass along this award to

1. Tonya Scott
2. Shannon Flanagan


Saylorsmom said...

congrats on your award!! We miss you guys too. Maybe Saylor and Curtis can get together soon.